1st day of the second batch !!!!
I keep 2 carrying Amano females in 10 gallon breeding tank. One of them released a few larvae last night. I can count 6 zoea swimming with head down. I introduced one liter of Green water and added 10 more tea spoons of salt. Total salt amount is 4 tea spoons per gallon.
The larvae are a bit bigger this time, around 1.5-2mm and their heads are slightly bigger. This time I can see with bear eye three parts of their body. Last time I could see only the small head and a tiny tail.
This batch moves with more energy, have to say. The water aged a bit I presume and is more stable. I am going for a 4 day trip and will leave the shrimps and the larvae to their own device with non-stop lights on.
Blue-Green algae started growing all over the Java-moss. There is lots of algae on the aquarium glass as you can see on the larvae photo above. With all that algae it is very difficult to do a decent shot. I hope this time the mortality is going to be low. Will know when I come back.
Photos by Dusko Bojic.
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